
Monday, June 20, 2022

Discover the Top 3 strategies for Python Developer career success

Colleagues, Python Developers according to DevSkiller earn $111,899 on average in the US. First, Get Trained. A high quality credential from a reputable vendor or professional association may boost your income by 5%-10%. The AI Programming with Python course is our first recommendation. Next is Essential Machine Learning and AI with Python and Jupyter Notebook program that shows you how AWS and Google Cloud Platform can be used to solve real-world business problems in Machine Learning and AI. Finally, the Supervised Learning - Linear Regression in Python equips you to apply Least Squares regression and its assumptions to real world data. Second, Get Published. Write a 1-2 page article on Best Practices or Python Tech Trends for Medium, LinkedIn Articles or And third, Get Connected. Become a Python Software Foundation member, join the Developers, Engineers & Techies group on LinkedIn (255k members) and subscribe to the Python community on Reddit (973k subscribers). 

Enroll in one or more programs today (teams & execs welcome): 

Download your complimentary Python, TensorFlow & PyTorch - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (share & subscribe)

What are the Top 3 Strategies to advance your Data Science career?

Colleagues, Google Certified Professional Data Engineers earn on average $171,749 according to the Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report (2021). Here are three strategies to achieve your career and income potential. First, Get Trained. A high quality credential from a reputable vendor or professional association may boost your income by 5%-10%. We recommend Python for Data Science Certification, Become a Data Architect and Spark, Ray and Python for Scalable Data Science. Second, Get Published. Write a 1-2 page article on Best Practices or Tech Trends on Medium, LinkedIn Articles or And third, Get Connected. Join the Kaggle forum, Data Science Central on Twitter (235k subscribers) and Data Science Meet-up (2.8m members). Together, these three strategies will enable you to become a leader in Data Science. 

Get started today (teams & execs welcome): 

Download your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (share & subscribe)

Graphic source: HealthCatalyst

Monday, June 13, 2022

Become a Computer Vision Expert

Colleague, Become a Computer Vision Expert and advance your income and career growth. Master the computer vision skills behind advances in robotics and automation. Write programs to analyze images, implement feature extraction, and recognize objects using deep learning models. Learn cutting-edge computer vision and deep learning techniques—from basic image processing, to building and customizing convolutional neural networks. Apply these concepts to vision tasks such as automatic image captioning and object tracking, and build a robust portfolio of computer vision projects. Training modules - with hands-on labs include: 1) Introduction to Computer Vision - master computer vision and image processing essentials. Learn to extract important features from image data, and apply deep learning techniques to classification tasks (Project: Facial Keypoint Detection); 2) Advanced Computer Vision and Deep Learning - apply deep learning architectures to computer vision tasks. Discover how to combine CNN and RNN networks to build an automatic image captioning application (Project: Automatic Image Capturing); and 3) Object Tracking and Localization - locate objects and track them over time. These techniques are used in a variety of moving systems, such as self-driving car navigation and drone flight (Project: Landmark Detection and Tracking). 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary AI-ML-DL - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Data Science Certification with R

Colleagues, Glassdoor estimate the average salary of US-based Data Scientists at $118,088. This Data Science with R certification training lets you gain expertise in Machine Learning Algorithms such as K-Means Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes using R. This Data Science with R  Training encompasses a conceptual understanding of Statistics, Time Series, Text Mining and an introduction to Deep Learning. Throughout the R Programming Course, you will implement real-life use-cases on Media, Healthcare, Social Media, Aviation and HR. The curriculum addresses: 1) Introduction to Data Science with R - see how Data Science helps to analyze large and unstructured data with different tools, 2) Statistical Inference - learn statistical techniques and terminologies used in data analysis, 3) Statistical Inference - statistical techniques and terminologies used in data analysis, 4) Data Extraction, Wrangling and Exploration - sources available to extract data, arrange the data in structured form, analyze the data, and represent the data in a graphical format, 4) Introduction to Machine Learning - categories of Machine Learning and implement Supervised Learning Algorithms, 5)  Classification Techniques - Supervised Learning Techniques and the implementation of various techniques, such as Decision Trees, Random Forest Classifier, 6) Unsupervised Learning - various types of clustering that can be used to analyze the data, 6) Recommender Engines - association rules and different types of Recommender Engines, 7) Text Mining - Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques and the implementation of different algorithms, for example, TF-IDF and Cosine Similarity, 8) Time Series - data, different component of Time Series data, Time Series modeling - Exponential Smoothing models and ARIMA model for Time Series Forecasting, and 9)  Deep Learning - learn the oncepts of Reinforcement learning and Deep learning in this module. These concepts are explained with the help of Use cases. You will get to discuss Artificial Neural Network, the building blocks for Artificial Neural Networks, and Artificial Neural Network terminologies. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Colleagues, Deep Learning professionals earn on average $137,989 per year according to ZipRecruiter. The Deep Learning with TensorFlow training program will equip you to build Deep Learning models in TensorFlow and Keras, interpret the results of Deep Learning models, troubleshoot and improve Deep Learning models, understand the language and fundamentals of artificial neural networks, and build your own Deep Learning projects. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Introduction to Deep Learning - artificial neural networks, and the breadth of transformative applications it produces. Jon also goes over how to run the code examples provided throughout the LiveLessons, and then he builds an introductory neural network with you, 2) How Deep Learning Works - main families of deep neural networks and their applications. The heart of the lesson is a high-level overview of the essential theory that underlies deep learning. To bring this theory to life, Jon shows you deep learning in action via a web application called the TensorFlow Playground, archetypal deep learning datasets, and then you build a deep neural network together to tackle a classic machine vision problem, 3) Convolutional Networks - convolutional layers and how they have can be stacked to solve increasingly complex problems with larger data sets. In order to make sense of the outputs from these sophisticated models, the TensorBoard result-visualization tool is added to your arsenal at the end of the lesson, 4) Introduction to TensFlow - high-level deep learning API Keras to build your models. In this lesson, the leading Deep Learning libraries are compared, and then you get down to business with TensorFlow, the open-source library doing the heavy neural network-lifting underneath Keras and, in Jon’s opinion, clearly the best choice from the options available. Given this, the second half of the lesson is dedicated to building your own deep learning models in TensorFlow, and 5) Improving Deep Networks - performance of your deep learning models, including by tuning model hyperparameters. The lesson concludes by discussing how to build your own deep learning project as well as outlining resources for further self-study.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary AI-ML-DL - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share) 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Data Science with Python and R

Colleagues, the Global Knowledge 2021 IT Salary Survey ranks Google Certified Professional Data Engineer $171,749 USD #1 out of all certifications. This Data Science with Python and R training program is tailored to beginner Data Scientists seeking to use Python or R for data science. This course includes fundamentals of data preparation, data analysis, data visualization, machine learning, and interactive data science applications. Students will learn how to build predictive models and how to create interactive visual applications for their line of business using the Anaconda platform. This course will introduce data scientists to using Python and R for building on an ecosystem of hundreds of high performance open source tools. Training modules address: 1) Open Data Science for Everyone, 2) Background Concepts for Open Data Science, 3) Data Wrangling with Pandas, 4) Anaconda Platform Overview, 5) Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh, 6) Conda Package Management, 7) Data Processing and Visualization in R, 8) Excel and Python with Anaconda Fusion, 9) Excel and Python with Anaconda Fusion, 10) Databases and Distributed Data with Mosaic, 11) Distributed and Parallel Computing with Dask. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Data Structures, Algorithms and Machine Learning Optimization

Colleagues, the Data Structures, Algorithms, and Machine Learning Optimization program provides you with a functional, hands-on understanding of the essential computer science for machine learning applications. Learn "big O" notation to characterize the time efficiency and space efficiency of a given algorithm,  use Python data structures, including list-, dictionary-, tree-, and graph-based structures, understand the essential algorithms for working with data, including those for searching, sorting, hashing, and traversing, implement statistical and machine learning approaches to optimization differ, and why you would select one or the other for a given problem you're solving, grasp versatile (stochastic) gradient descent optimization algorithm works, and familiarize yourself with the "fancy" optimizers that are available for advanced machine learning approaches. Skill-based training modules cover: 1) Orientation to Data Structures and Algorithms - Machine Learning Foundations Series, A Brief History of Data and Algorithms, and their Applications to Machine Learning; 2) "Big O" Notation - Constant, Linear and Polynomial  Time, Common Runtimes, Best versus Worst Case scenarios; 3) List-Based Data Structures - Lists, Arrays, Linked Lists, Doubly-Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Deques; 4) Searching and Sorting - Binary Search, Bubble-Merge-Quick Sorts; 5) Sets and Hashing - Maps and Dictionaries, Sets, Hash Functions, Collisions, Load Factor, Hash Maps, String Keys, Hashing in ML; 6) Trees - Decision Trees, Random Forests, XGBoost: Gradient-Boosted Trees; 7) Graphs - Directed versus Undirected Graphs, DAGs: Directed Acyclic Graphs, Pandas DataFrames; 8) Machine Learning Optimization - Statistics versus Machine Learning - Objective Functions, Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, Minimizing Cost with Gradient Descent, Gradient Descent from Scratch with PyTorch, Critical Points, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Learning Rate Scheduling, Maximizing Reward with Gradient Ascent; and 9) Fancy Deep Learning Optimizers - Jacobian Matrices, Second-Order Optimization and Hessians, Momentum, and Adaptive Optimizers.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary AI-ML-DL - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Colleagues, the Deep Reinforcement Learning training program will equip you with skills that are powering amazing advances in AI. Then start applying these to applications like video games and robotics. Learn cutting-edge deep reinforcement learning algorithms—from Deep Q-Networks (DQN) to Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG). Apply these concepts to train agents to walk, drive, or perform other complex tasks, and build a robust portfolio of deep reinforcement learning projects. Students should have experience with Python, probability, machine learning, and deep learning. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Foundations of Reinforcement Learning - master the fundamentals of reinforcement learning by writing your own implementations of many classical solution methods, 2) Value-Based Methods - apply deep learning architectures to reinforcement learning tasks. Train your own agent that navigates a virtual world from sensory data (Project: Navigation), 3) Policy-Based Methods - learn the theory behind evolutionary algorithms and policy-gradient methods. Design your own algorithm to train a simulated robotic arm to reach target locations (Project: Continuous Control), 4) Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning - apply reinforcement learning methods to applications that involve multiple, interacting agents. These techniques are used in a variety of applications, such as the coordination of autonomous vehicles (Project: Collaboration and Competition).

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Download your complimentary AI-ML-DL - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Data Science with Python and R

Colleagues, the Global Knowledge 2021 IT Salary Survey ranks Google Certified Professional Data Engineer $171,749 USD #1 out of all certifications. This Data Science with Python and R training program is tailored to beginner Data Scientists seeking to use Python or R for data science. This course includes fundamentals of data preparation, data analysis, data visualization, machine learning, and interactive data science applications. Students will learn how to build predictive models and how to create interactive visual applications for their line of business using the Anaconda platform. This course will introduce data scientists to using Python and R for building on an ecosystem of hundreds of high performance open source tools. Training modules address: 1) Open Data Science for Everyone, 2) Background Concepts for Open Data Science, 3) Data Wrangling with Pandas, 4) Anaconda Platform Overview, 5) Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh, 6) Conda Package Management, 7) Data Processing and Visualization in R, 8) Excel and Python with Anaconda Fusion, 9) Excel and Python with Anaconda Fusion, 10) Databases and Distributed Data with Mosaic, 11) Distributed and Parallel Computing with Dask. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Monday, May 30, 2022

Spark, Ray, and Python for Scalable Data Science

Colleagues, according to the average Data Scientist salary in the United States is $136,309. The Spark, Ray, and Python for Scalable Data Science program equips you to scale machine learning and artificial intelligence projects using Python, Spark, and Ray. Learn to integrate Python and distributed computing, scale data processing with Spark, conduct exploratory data analysis with PySpark, utilize parallel computing with Ray and scale machine learning and artificial intelligence applications with Ray. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Introduction to Distributed Computing in Python - you get some experience with one of Spark's primary data structures, the resilient distributed dataset (RDD). Next is key-value pairs and how Spark does operations on them similar to MapReduce. The lesson finishes up with a bit of Spark internals and the overall Spark application lifecycle, 2) Exploratory Data Analysis with PySpark - large data science workflow centered around natural language processing (NLP). He starts off with a general introduction to exploratory data analysis (EDA), followed by a quick tour of Jupyter notebooks. Next he discusses how to do EDA with Spark at scale, and then he shows you how to create statistics and data visualizations to summarize data sets. Finally, he tackles the NLP example, showing you how to transform a large corpus of text into numerical representation suitable for machine learning, 3) Parallel Computing with Ray - Ray programming API, with Jonathan comparing the similarities and differences between the Ray and Spark APIs. You learn how you can distribute functions with Ray, and 4) Scaling AI Applications with Ray - scale up machine learning and artificial intelligence applications with Python. The lesson starts with the general model training and evaluation process in Python. Then it turns to how Ray enables you to scale both the evaluation and tuning of our models. You see how Ray makes possible very efficient hyperparameter tuning. You also see how, once you have a trained model, Ray can serve predictions from your machine learning model.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

Generative AI (Nanodegree Program)

Embark on a transformative journey into Generative AI! According to the average salary for a Generative AI Engineer is $187,306 U...