
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Advanced R Programming for Productivity & Machine Learning

Dev colleagues, this Advanced R Programming course begins with reading XML data and some common data manipulation operations using various base R functions and packages like plyr, comparing the speed of in memory calculations. He then demonstrates more advanced techniques for accomplishing the same task such as data.table, dplyr, Rcpp and parallel computation for increased speed. You will be equipped in Basic Aggregation, plyr, dplyr, data.table, Rcpp, Parallel processing, Web Graphics, Network Analysis, Text Mining and Advanced Document Creation. The seven core skill-based training modules include: 1) Reading XML Data, 2) Faster Group Operations, 4) Rcpp for Faster Code, 5) Advanced Machine Learning, 6) Network Analysis, 7) Web Graphics, and 8) Easier Presentations and Documents with RMarkdown. RStudio has made great advancements in creating documents and presentations, making the whole process easier than it was even just a few months ago. This lesson discusses the very easy steps to generate HTML, PDF and Word documents and HTML presentations.

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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy

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Structuring Machine Learning Projects (training)

Colleagues, the “ Structuring Machine Learning Projects ” program is part of the Deep Learning Specialization from DeppLearning.AI. Learn to...