
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Model Tuning for Machine Learning (Training)

Colleagues, the Model Tuning for Machine Learning training program will equip you to slingshot the predictive capabilities of your models, far out-pacing the limits of out-of-box ML. From a ground-up perspective, we'll understand how a model functions, the part of the model that is able to fit the data on its own, and how important additional tuning and fitting by a trained ML engineer is. This module includes real-world examples, coding assignments, and lots of in-depth exploration of how and why model tuning should be done. If you understand the material in this course, your models will improve, and the results you will be able to deliver will as well. The 32 training modules address: Introduction and expectation-setting, Hyperparameters, Intro to Bayesianism, Intro to Bayesian Model Averaging, Bayesian Model Averaging- Specification, Occam's Window, Computing the Integral, Bayesian Model Averaging-Worked Example, Intro to Bootstrap Aggregation, Intro to Bootstrap Aggregation- CART, Problem with Bagged Decision Trees, Random Forests- Start to Finish, Random Forests: Time-Accuracy Tradeoff, Boosted Trees- Differences from Random Forest, Boosted trees- Adaboost Procedure, XGBoost- Gradient Boosting, Boosted Trees- Final Decision, Introduction to Hyper-Parameters- Basics, Hyperparameters in Decision Trees, Hyperparamters in Decision Trees- Levels, Hyperparameters in decision trees- AUC, Finding optimal hyperparameters- Brute Force, Finding Optimal Hyperparameters- Sanity Check, Intro to Stacking, Intro to Stacking- Motivation, Stacking- Pedigree, Know Your Data, Time/Value Tradeoff, and Example Scenario - Network Transactions. 

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy

1 comment:

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Structuring Machine Learning Projects (training)

Colleagues, the “ Structuring Machine Learning Projects ” program is part of the Deep Learning Specialization from DeppLearning.AI. Learn to...