
Monday, May 23, 2022

Data Science Certification

Colleagues, the Global Knowledge 2021 IT Salary Survey ranks Google Certified Professional Data Engineer #1 out of all certifications with an average salary of $171,749. The program prepares you to become a Certified Data Scientist. Learn data science from industry experts at Harvard, Columbia, Cisco, Apple and Google. Training modules include: 1) Probability and Statistics for Data Science with R: Harvard faculty teaches you how to apply statistical methods to explore, summarize, make inferences from complex data and develop quantitative models to assist business decision making - instructional component, R tutorial videos, and exercises to reinforce concepts and give you an opportunity to see statistics in action, Michael Parzen, faculty member at Harvard and teaches one of the most popular classes. Kaitlin Hagan is a post-doctoral fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital and has won numerous teaching awards and citations for her work; 2) Data Wrangling in R: Real-world data preparation for further analysis using R - get your data into R efficiently and polish it up so that it is as good as it can be, the instructor is the founder of Analytics Incubation Center at Cisco and has 15 years of analytics development experience; 3) Econometric Analysis: Methods and Applications: Quantitative and econometric analysis focused on practical applications that are relevant in fields such as economics, finance, public policy, business, and marketing, Alan Yang, is a faculty member at the Department of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University where he teaches courses in Introductory Statistics, Econometrics, and Quantitative Analysis in Program Evaluation and Causal Inference; 4) Classification Models: Online self-paced course with capstone project  - nstructor is a lead data scientist at one of the largest software companies in the world, author of a best-seller and an adjunct professor at University of Toronto; and 5) Clustering and Association Rule Mining: Learn Clustering methods and Association Rule Mining Techniques - Cluster Analysis and study most popular set of Clustering algorithms with end-to-end examples in R, the instructor is a Machine Learning Scientist with 10+ years of hands-on experience in predictive analytics and data science research at leading consulting, captive and R&D organizations.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Down your complimentary Data Science - Career Transformation Guide.

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (subscribe & share)

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