
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Top 3 Python for Data Science training programs

Dev colleagues, the average salary for a Python developer is $120,968 in the US according to Salary Expert. Here are 3 top-rated programs for career and income growth. First, Interpreting Data Using Statistical Models with Python. Gain the ability to go one step beyond visualizations and basic descriptive statistics, by harnessing the power of inferential statistics. First, you will learn how hypothesis testing, which is the foundation of inferential statistics, helps posit and test assumptions about data. Next, discover how the classic t-test can be used in a variety of common scenarios around estimating means. Also learn about related tests such as the Z-test, Pearson’s Chi-squared test, Levene’s test and Welch’s t-test for dealing with populations that have unequal variances. Second is the Statistics with Python training by Code Academy that focuses on mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance of different datasets. Not only will you learn how to calculate these statistics, but you will learn how to interpret them. By getting an understanding of what these statistics represent, you will be able to better describe your own datasets. And third, Applied Data Scientist with Python. Solve data science problems, software and data engineering for  data scientists, experiment design and recommendations, data science projects. Skill-based training modules with hands-on projects. Solving Data Science Problems, Software Engineering for Data Scientists, Data Engineering for Data Scientists, and Experiment Design.

Enroll today in one or more programs (teams & execs welcome).

Download your complimentary Python - Career Transformation Guide.

View the Developer’s Guide from the Python Software Foundation.

Career success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (share with your team)

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