
Monday, December 2, 2024

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms (training)

Colleagues, the “Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms” program is part of the Algorithms Specialization from Stanford University with over 244k students enrolled online. The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: asymptotic ("Big-oh") notation, sorting and searching, divide and conquer (master method, integer and matrix multiplication, closest pair), and randomized algorithms (QuickSort, contraction algorithm for min cuts). Skill-based training lessons include: Week 1 - Why Study Algorithms?, Integer Multiplication, Karatsuba Multiplication, Merge Sort: Motivation and Example, Merge Sort: Pseudocode and Analysis, Guiding Principles for Analysis of Algorithms, The Gist, Big-Oh Notation, Big Omega and Theta; Week 2 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions, Strassen's Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm, O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair, Motivation, Formal Statement, Proof I and II, and Interpretation of the 3 Cases; Week 3 - Partitioning Around a Pivot, Correctness of Quicksort, Choosing a Good Pivot, Analysis (A Decomposition Principle, The Key Insight and Final Calculations), and Probability Review; and Week 4 - Randomized Selection (Algorithm and Analysis), Deterministic Selection - Algorithm, Omega(n log n) Lower Bound for Comparison-Based Sorting, Graphs and Minimum Cuts, Graph Representations, Random Contraction Algorithm, Analysis of Contraction Algorithm and Counting Minimum Cuts. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Download your free AI-ML-DL - Career Transformation Guide.

For your listening-reading pleasure:

1 - “AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond” (Audible) or (Kindle)  

2 - “ChatGPT - The Era of Generative Conversational AI Has Begun” (Audible) or (Kindle

3 - “ChatGPT, Gemini and Llama - The Journey from AI to AGI, ASI and Singularity” (Audible) or (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - AI Academy (share with your team)

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Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification

Colleagues, the “ Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification ” is part of Machine Learning Specialization from DeepLearning....