
Monday, July 11, 2022

Top 10 Python Developer Certification & Training Programs (#10)

Colleagues, the average salary of a  Full Stack Python Developer is $121,111 according to ZipRecruiter. Number 10 on our countdown is the Python Scripting Certification. This cert program will equip you in NumPy, PandasVariables, Operands,  Expressions, Conditional Statements, Loops, Command Line Arguments, Writing to the Screen; Sequences, File Operations - Python files I/O Functions, Lists and related operations, Tuples and related operations, Strings and related operations, Sets and related operations, Dictionaries,; Functions, OOPs, Modules, Errors and Exceptions, Parameters, Global variables, Variable scope and Returning Values, Lambda Functions, Object Oriented Concepts, Standard Libraries, Modules Used in Python (OS, Sys, Date and Time etc.), Import Statements. Learn different types of sequence structures, related operations, and their usage. Also learn diverse ways of opening, reading, and writing to files. Then create generic python scripts, how to address errors/exceptions in code, and finally how to extract/filter content using regex. Next, cover basics of statistics, different types of measures and probability distributions, and the supporting libraries in Python that assist in these operations. Finally, learn in detail about data visualization - matplotlib library, grids, axes, plots, markers, colors, fonts and styling, types of plots - bar graphs, pie charts, histograms and contour plots. 

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (share & subscribe) 

Download your complimentary Python, TensorFlow & PyTorch - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: Unstop

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Structuring Machine Learning Projects (training)

Colleagues, the “ Structuring Machine Learning Projects ” program is part of the Deep Learning Specialization from DeppLearning.AI. Learn to...