
Monday, July 25, 2022

Top 10 Python Developer Certification & Training Programs (#8)

Colleagues, according to ZipRecruiter the average salary of a  Full Stack Python Developer is $121,111. Number 8 on our countdown is the Python: Zero to Coder program from InformIT. While most introductory courses focus on the basics of the language, this course goes one step further to explain how Python is used in practice in the fields of data analysis and web development. Learn fundamental programming concepts, such as conditionals, loops, and functions. They are given hands-on, modular problems to solve so they can progress as they go. Finally, students tie it all together and experiment with some real programming in the form of text-based games. The goal of this course is to equip beginners to learn from scratch, navigate the world of software development, and then kick-start their programming journey with introductions to two of the more common uses of Python: data analysis and web development. Skill-based training modules include: Part I “Learn How to Program Today with Python”: 1 - Introduction to Programming and Python, 2 - Python and Programming Basics, 3 - Control Flow with Conditionals, 4 - Lists and Loops,  5 - Advanced Language Topics, 6 - Introduction to Data Analysis in Python, and 7 - Introduction to Web Development in Python. Part II: “Next Level Python”:  1 - Look at Python Basics, 2 - Work with Files, 3 - Manage Your Python Environments, 4 - Choose an IDE, 5 - Understand Python Modules and Namespaces, 6 - Debug and Test Your Code, 7 - Getting Data from the Web, 8 - Create a Web Scraping Application, and 9 - Put your Project on the Internet.

Enroll today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Artificial Intelligence Academy (share & subscribe)

Download your complimentary Python, TensorFlow & PyTorch - Career Transformation Guide.

Graphic source: Behance

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